Where To Send Those Postcards JPEGView is postcardware, meaning that if you find yourself using JPEGView regularly, you should send me a postcard of your home town, or even just a postcard of where you’re at now. It doesn’t matter where; I just happen to like postcards — even from Chicago! So don’t be shy, just scribble your name, address, an email address if you have one, and any comments you wish (or none, if you prefer) on a postcard and slip it in your local mailbox addressed to me at: Aaron Giles 5603 S. Drexel #1 Chicago, IL 60637 U.S.A. What do you get for your postcard? Well, if you give me an email address that I can access through the Internet, I plan on providing updates and information through a mailing list I’ve set up. You will likely receive new versions before everyone else. I might also add that my first-choice beta testers were selected from among those who sent postcards. Finally, postcards provide encouragement; if I know many people are using JPEGView and find it useful, I have far more incentive to improve it in the future. So… if you’d like to see an even more powerful image viewer in the future, a postcard would certainly help! I would also love to hear any comments, suggestions, bug reports, etc., from anyone using JPEGView. To get them to me, you can either include them with your postcard (preferred), or, if you’ve already sent your postcard, you can send them to me via email on the Internet at: a-giles@uchicago.edu If you send me bug reports that appear to be QuickTime-related, I will forward them to the QuickTime engineers at Apple.